Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Antonino, Violago, Vergara

by iCorrupt.com

The word politics has come to be associated with treachery, artfulness and manipulation. In the given context of perception the person who is able to hold his ground and practiceall such means to retain power is the one we call a‘politician’. It is important to note that not all those who belong to the realm of politics are necessarily corrupt; there are good people too who make a good difference. However generally we see diplomatic but self-benefiting attitudes exhibited by politicians. Like these corrupt, ruthlessly evil and crafty politicians are being manipulated by former killers and rambunctious Joson. Here are the worst politicians in Nueva Ecija.

Rodolfo W. Antonino
Joseph Gilbert F. Violago

Julius Cesar V. Vergara

"Fake people are like pennies, two-faced and worthless"
